Tommy leaves the interpretation of his work up
to the viewers of his works but says in his artist for his series called
"reality rearranged", "For me, surrealism is about trying to
explain something abstract like a feeling or a thought, expressing the
subconscious with a picture. The Reality Rearranged series is my first try at
describing reality trough surrealism. During the two and a half years I have
worked on the series I have used my own inner life, thoughts and feelings as
seeds to my pictures. In that sense the work is very personal, almost like a
visual diary. Despite this subjectiveness in the process I hope that the work
can engage the viewer in her or his own terms. I want the viewers to produce their
own questions and answers when looking at the pictures, my own interpretations
are really irrelevant in this context. "
He has received international recognition and his
work shown in numerous publications and receiving awards and honorable mentions
from many different competitions including International Photography Awards.
Tommy has been creating since he was
a child. He's had an early fascination with cameras. At some point he
chose photography and ever since then he has been constantly photographing. However
there was a point in Tommy's life where slowly and without really noticing
it, he lost direction and began spiraling downwards until in his late twenties
finally hit "some sort of bottom".
Deep down in his own personal
"abyss" he found what art is for him. He started creating pictures.
He stopped trying to make what others thought was “art” or “good photography”
and made pictures just for himself. By crossing that line he felt free to
tell his stories, and by crossing the line from photography into photo montages
he had the tools to do so.

This is his artist statement for his art series
called; Solitaire

Post by Jackie
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