Monday 28 April 2014

Katerina Plotnikova

W.C. Fields said “Never work animals or children” and in this day and age, with the wonders of post editing, it is surprising that Russian photographer Katerina Plotnikova works with both of these to create sensual and inspiring visual fairy-tales.

In a world filled with Photoshop, these pictures are real. The mysterious Moscow-based photographer has been creating a surreal world filled with wild animals and beautiful women. The result looks like a fairy tale come to life.

The raw power and size of many of these animals, including tigers, bears, bats, giraffes and elephants contrasts strikingly with the poses of Plotnikova’s graceful models.  Each scene shows an underlying mystical quality, one that speaks of some deep spiritual communication beyond our everyday world.

If you think taking pictures with bears and tigers seems a bit dangerous, each of the images was made with the help of professional trainers, there at every moment and sensitive to the needs of the animals involved.   The set up for each photo shoot is huge.  In addition to the beautiful human models, who come with their own entourage of hair and make up artists and stylists, the animals require trainers and in addition, transport and food for these models [and hopefully a fully stocked first aid kit].  On location shoots require numerous assistants.  So it raises the question, why does Plotnikova choose to go so far to create these images when Photoshop is a cheaper [and let’s face it, safer] option?  It can be argued that for authenticity, Plotnikova chooses this option over post editing and she has obviously built up a trusted team willing to help her realize her every fantasy.  However, I am unsure of the legality of handling wildlife this way in Australia and further where you would find models who are brave enough to pose. 

Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
Photographed by Katerina Plotnikova
See more images of Plotnikova and her assistants creating these impressive scenes on or see more of her work on and

Posted by Alex

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